When most people get divorced, their performance at work may temporarily suffer due to stress and distraction, but their job remains secure. If you own a small business, however, a divorce could potentially end your marriage and ruin your livelihood. The good news is...
Year: 2020
Truck accidents can be caused by drowsy drivers
Truck drivers are held to a professional standard while on the road. They must receive special training and follow numerous regulations to maintain their professional licensure. Unfortunately, drivers can become negligent in following guidelines, turning their large...
Do you know how to share the road with semis?
Most drivers encounter semi-trucks in traffic daily. But did you know drivers in passenger vehicles cause an alarming 75% of commercial vehicle accidents? While actions such as driving under the influence or distracted driving can play a role in these collisions,...
In the aftermath of a crash: the story of an Ohio family
If you drive north of Jackson County for about 150 miles, you will arrive in the Richland County town of Shelby. On the one-year anniversary of a violent motor vehicle crash, a man stood on a hill a few miles outside of Shelby and gazed at the wreck site, remembering...
Healthcare Power of Attorneys and Estate Planning
The time to make sure you have a Healthcare Power of Attorney and a Will is before you need them. Act now while you are able to sign legal documents. A Healthcare Power of Attorney, also known as Healthcare POA, once signed by you, authorizes the person you name in...
The FDA has asked all manufacturers to immediately withdraw prescriptions and over the counter ranitidine products from the market due to excess levels of NDMA, a probable carcinogen created in the drug. NDMA levels increase in ranitidine even under normal storage...
The Law Firm of Richard M. Lewis, LLC, remains active to assist clients during this difficult time caused by the COVID-19 virus. We can speak with you by phone, communicate by e-mail, meet with you using Zoom, or, we can meet in person keeping safe social distancing,...
Is a negligent truck driver’s employer liable for injuries he causes?
When two motorists get into a wreck and one of the drivers was to blame, generally the negligent driver and their collision insurance company have to compensate the other driver for their injuries and the damage to their vehicle. But there are cases when a party that...