Our Firm Protects Consumers From Deceptive Suppliers and Contractors
Any company, be it a manufacturer, retailer or service professional, who tries to take advantage of consumers should be held accountable for their actions. The Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act was enacted to protect good people, like you, who have been victimized by unscrupulous business practices.
For more than 30 years, The Law Firm of Richard M. Lewis has protected clients from the harmful business practices of irresponsible companies. Most people understand that they get what they pay for, but when a company tries to take advantage of you by providing shoddy workmanship or selling you faulty construction supplies or products, we will hold them liable for their fraudulent behavior.
Have You Been A Victim Of Contractor Fraud? We Can Help.
It may feel like it’s impossible to go up against a big company; fighting city hall seems like a tall task for many people. At our firm, we are dedicated to fighting for your rights. As part of our consumer protection legal practice, we often assist clients who have been harmed as a result of unscrupulous practices in the residential housing market and in car sales.
Tactics such as bait and switch, using shoddy materials, taking your money and failing to complete the job are outrageous, and we won’t tolerate them. If a company has tried to get away with defrauding you, rest assured we won’t let them get away with it.
We’ll go to bat for you when you have been injured by:
- A manufacturing defect: Products that are not manufactured to design specifications, by mistake or intentionally to cut corners, can cause significant injury.
- A design defect: If a product maker decides to save a buck by failing to follow best practices for safety, faulty products are produced and sold and can result in serious injuries.
- An inadequate product warning: When a company fails to use warning labels or include safety instructions for product usage, we will hold them liable for injuries caused by their negligence.
We will help you gather the facts of your case and craft them into a persuasive legal argument. We can represent you in any negotiations to resolve the dispute. If your case cannot be resolved through negotiation, we will represent you in court and ensure that your voice is heard, compellingly and thoughtfully.
Call Today For An Initial Consultation
For an initial consultation about your case, contact one of the lawyers from The Law Firm of Richard M. Lewis today by calling our office in Jackson at 740-688-2164 or filling out our convenient online form. We will contact you right away to find out how we can help you.