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Four signs your insurance company may be acting in bad faith

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2024 | Motor vehicle accidents, Truck Accidents |

The process of filing an insurance claim can be a daunting one, especially if you are dealing with other–more important things, such as healing from an injury or figuring out how you are going to pay the bills. While most insurers understand the legal importance of acting in good faith, the consequences do not deter every insurance company, or every insurance company employee.

Red flags to watch out for

So, what are some of the red flags we should be looking for? While attorneys can usually spot them right away, and you should have legal representation at this point, it can be more difficult for people who do not understand the law.

Signs they could be acting in bad faith

  1. Delays, delays and more delays: if your insurance company is unreasonably delaying the process of your claim, it may be a sign of bad faith. Insurers are obligated to handle claims promptly. Excessive delays without valid reasons can indicate an attempt to avoid payment.
  2. Unreasonable denials: If your claim is denied without a clear explanation, or if the reasons they gave you are general and unclear, this could also mean the insurance company is trying to make it more challenging for you, and hopefully you will accept the denial and move on. They are probably not expecting you to appeal. We are very successful appealing these claims.
  3. Not enough facts: If the insurance company did not do their due diligence and their investigation was below the standard of what it should be, it might be a sign that they do not want to pay this claim.
  4. Pressure, pressure and more pressure: very commonly, insurance companies will pressure you so you give in and take less money than you deserve. While they often highlight that yes, it might take less time to accept the settlement now, insurance companies are not your friends, and you should speak with your attorney about this, before you accept anything.

If you notice any of these signs, you are right to be concerned. However, there are options that you can take if you believe that your insurance company is trying to escape their responsibilities.

It is crucial to consult with an insurance and personal injury attorney so you can understand more and have the help that you will need if the insurance company is acting in bad faith.